The first meetings ever recorded were in 1931. The attendance of these meetings were made up of Vancouver Island Fire Chiefs & Deputies. One of the main areas of discussion was to make up a program that would be of benefit to the Vancouver Island Chiefs. Chief Vernon Stewart of Victoria Fire Department was elected as chairman and asked to peruse this new program.
Six years latter in 1937 after 11 meetings the name Vancouver Island Fireman’s Association was adopted. In 1945 at a meeting in Nanaimo, Ladysmith Fire Chief Joe Grouel moved a motion that an organization be formed to be known as Vancouver Island Firefighters Association, and that it be open to all ranks of firefighters. Also a fee of one dollar was to be collected by the chief for each member of his fire department.
Throughout the years, the Vancouver Island Firefighters Association has made some major contributions to the education and welfare of our firefighters, not just on Vancouver Island but through out BC.