Cherry Creek Trophy

This Trophy will be awarded to the department accumulating the most points throughout the year on the following basis:

One (1) point shall be awarded for each firefighter at the Annual General Meeting and at the annual Fall Meeting up to a maximum of six (6) points per department, per meeting.

One (1) point shall be awarded for each firefighter registered at the Annual Field Day by noon Sunday, up to a maximum of six (6) points per department.

Two (2) points shall be awarded for each team entering any of the three (3) evolutions: – Make and Break, Hose Lay and Target and the M.L.T. Mystery. In each Event, Win, Second. or Third place finish shall be worth an extra Four (4) points, Three (3) points, and Two (2) points in that order.
NOTE: – The same firefighter may enter in all events for points.

One (1) point shall be awarded for each firefighters wife entering the Hose rolling Event up to a maximum of six (6) points.

Six (6) points shall be awarded for each department entering a skit at the dance. Skit must be completed within five (5) minutes. One point shall be deducted for each two (2) minutes that the skit runs over the time limit.

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